Lees Seymour joins the LLHWP (long lived harvested wood products) Reference Group and Ngā Pou a Tāne to lead wānanga Mō Rākau Mauri
A reference group is being formed to investigate the feasibility of a scheme to recognise the carbon in harvested wood products.
Close-to-Nature Continuous Cover Forestry for Aotearoa New Zealand wānanga/web-based workshops
In April 2023 Ngā Pou a Tāne entered a collaboration between The Connective, Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute) and Tāne’s Tree Trust to develop recommendations towards business models for Continuous Cover Forestry in Aotearoa New Zealand.
He rautaki ngahere Māori: a draft national Māori Forestry Strategy
In July 2022 Ngā Pou a Tāne took part in co-developing alongside Te Uru Rākau and other key industry players the Forestry & Wood Processing Industry Transformation Plan. We established Actions 2.1 and 2.2 of the ITP which are…
Multiuse Ngahere Pilot Project
Ngā Pou a Tane is completing a multiuse ngahere proof-of-concept towards a national scale tikanga-informed integrated forestry practice and data management system under the Māori Forestry Strategy.
Web-dialogues: Ngā Kōrero Rangatira mō Ngā Hua Ngahere
Dates have been set for web dialogues following Ngā Kōrero 2023 with host Rob Williams.
Māori futures a political football in ETS Debate
For the few New Zealanders that give it any thought at all, the Emissions Trading Scheme review is something of an intellectual exercise: an opportunity to pursue an ideological agenda or a chance for Wellington technocrats to shift some numbers along whatever scale pleases their political masters.
A National Māori Forestry Strategy championed by Ngā Pou a Tāne the National Māori Forestry Association
On 11 and 12 May, Ngā Pou a Tane (The National Māori Forestry Association) hosted Ngā Kōrero Rangatira mō Ngā Hua Ngahere 2023. The association planned the national wānanga/summit for Māori leaders across Aotearoa to inform a Rautaki Ngahere Māori (National Māori Forestry Strategy) - a national vision and strategic intent for our collective forests, forestry, and wood processing.
Ngā Pou a Tāne AGM 2023
Ngā Pou a Tāne - National Māori Forestry Association are holding its first AGM on Wednesday 10th May 2023. Venue is Te Whare Nui o Tuteata. Scion, Titokorangi Drive, Rotorua at 11.00am.
Te Taumata Transition Forest Analysis Report 2023
In mid-2022, Government proposed a forestry policy that would eliminate fast-growing exotics as a land development option within the Permanent Forests category of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). As Māori Forest landowners, we met with you and other Ministers to express our collective concern and outrage at this proposed policy, which would legislate away Māori landowner rights, akin to the Foreshore and Seabed decision.
Biomass Supply Chain Investment Fund
EECA is introducing a new Biomass Supply Chain Investment Fund to provide financial and other support to organisations to help enable investment in the supply of renewable biomass for use as a fuel.
Te Uru Rakau - New Zealand Forest Service opens consultation for operating requirements for Log Traders and Forestry Advisers
Between 26 JANUARY and 23 FEBRUARY 2023, Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service (MPI) is consulting on elements of the operating requirements for the registration system for log traders and forestry advisers.
World Class Experts Unlocking $16BN Value For Māori and the Nation
A group of Māori forestry specialists and other experts have met this week in Rotorua to develop the forestry practice which will be key to unlocking more than $16 billion in value for the Māori economy.
National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF)
Ngā Pou a Tāne have submitted our response for the NES-PF consultation proposal that closed on Friday 18 November.
New concerns for Māori landowners using the ETS
Having only recently stated that the Permanent category and exotic forests will remain In the ETS category the Government, through the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forest, are seeking to implement new rules and regulations that further dictate what Māori can and can't do on their land.
Forestry and Wood Processing Industry Transformation Plan (Draft)
Recently the Chair and several Board members of Ngā Pou a Tāne were part of a Māori Forestry Advisory Group to undertake a formal review process on the ITP Draft released in August, and provide feedback through a Māori lens to Te Uru Rakau – New Zealand Forest Service.
Registrations for webinars and workshops - National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forests.
Registrations for the webinars and workshops regarding the consultation on proposals to update the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forests (NES-PF) are now open.
Ngā Pou a Tāne pleased the Permanent Forest Category will remain in the ETS
Ngā Pou a Tāne are pleased the Government has confirmed they will not exclude the permanent forest category from the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme from 1 January 2023.
Consultation document - National direction for plantation and exotic carbon afforestation
Consultation on proposals to update the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forests (NES-PF) are now open until 18 November 2022. Ngā Pou a Tāne encourage Māori landowners to provide feedback on the MPI Discussion Document.
Firm Stance Taken by Ngā Pou a Tāne
Ngā Pou a Tāne and other iwi entities remain staunch in their committment to ensure that the government does not remove exotics from the permanent forest category of the ETS.
Our Future Resource Management System Information Session
Over the last eighteen months, the Government has been delivering on its promise to build a new resource management system that is fit for the future and provides better outcomes for our natural and built environments.