Firm Stance Taken by Ngā Pou a Tāne

Firm stance taken by Ngā Pou a Tāne for exotics to remain in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)

Ngā Pou a Tāne and other iwi entities remain staunch in their committment to ensure that the government does not remove exotics from the permanent forest category of the ETS.  Losing that option will have significant negative impacts for Māori with 80% of Māori land being class 6-8, most of which is best suited for forestry.  In addition, the Chair of Ngā Pou a Tāne, Te Kapunga Dewes estimates that up to $7 billion of carbon value could be lost to Māori if the changes were to go ahead.  He also comments “It offends me deeply that we would not be talked to collectively about what we could do here with the land we have, to avoid that.”

 Click here for the full article and video.


Consultation document - National direction for plantation and exotic carbon afforestation


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