Wānanga for “Close-to-Nature CCF business models for Aotearoa” concludes.
Between 25 August to 28 September, over 40 experts from across the world met weekly for six weeks to wānanga an implementation under the leadership of Ngā Pou a Tāne, in association with The Connective, Tāne’s Tree Trust, Scion and Te Uru Rākau.
Our vision:
“Aotearoa Land of the Long White Cloud is a single interconnected and living system where mauri, essence of life, cycles universally through atmosphere, land, water and forests recharging our past, present, and future generations. Building on the global lineage of continuous cover and ecosystem-centric forestry practices, we seek to bring together diverse knowledge holders to reimagine the potential of forestry in Aotearoa. The third generation of cultivated forests across these lands will be grounded in te ao Māori, the world of Māori, and the intergenerational responsibility of tangata whenua, People-of-the-Land. Forestry is nature and place-based, multi-use and regenerative.”
New Zealand’s approach to forestry was discussed in the context of Treaty relationship, climate change, and alternatives to clear fell forestry - and compared with other nations of similar size and history. Experts from Ireland, Slovenia and the USA highlighted some of the systems enablers for close-to-nature continuous cover forestry implementation.
The work is being completed under a project "to develop the foundation for wider adoption of CCF related forestry practice in New Zealand and its associated environmental, social and economic benefits.” Work continues towards a report that will outline business models for Aotearoa.
Video of the wānanga, and the wider mahi can be viewed here: https://www.continuouscoverforestry.com/