Managing exotic afforestation incentives (MPI Discussion Paper No. 2022/02)
The government, through MPI, released the ‘Managing exotic afforestation incentives’, a discussion document on proposals to change forestry settings in the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
Included in this document is the intention to remove the permanent exotic forest category from the Emissions Trading Scheme. The removal of this category will have a significant detrimental economic and environmental opportunity cost for Māori landowners, and Ngā Pou a Tāne vehemently oppose this proposed change. The disproportionate and unfavourable impact of this change for Māori landowners cannot be over-stated. Access to the carbon economy represents a major opportunity for rural Māori communities to engage in economic self-determination promised in Treaty settlements.
Other concerns included the compressed timeframe given for the consultation period as it does not allow sufficient time for proper consultation with our members.
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Change to ETS upsets Māori forest industry | Te Ao Māori News (