Press release 15 May 2023
A National Māori Forestry Strategy championed by Ngā Pou a Tāne the National Māori Forestry Association
On 11 and 12 May, Ngā Pou a Tane (The National Māori Forestry Association) hosted Ngā Kōrero Rangatira mō Ngā Hua Ngahere 2023. The association planned the national wānanga/summit for Māori leaders across Aotearoa to inform a Rautaki Ngahere Māori (National Māori Forestry Strategy) - a national vision and strategic intent for our collective forests, forestry, and wood processing.
The event took place at Scion in Rotorua and started with a pōhiri hosted by Ngāti Hurungaterangi, Ngāti Taeotu and Ngāti Te Kahu. Over 80 Māori forestry industry delegates represented the entire forestry value chain and nationwide range of interests. This included representation from Māori land trusts and incorporations large and small, forest and nursery owners, logistics companies, silvicultural and harvesting operators, researchers, and scientists.
Our new Minister of Forestry, the Honourable Minister Peeni Henare opened proceedings and endorsed the need for partnership and a strategic approach to deliver Māori aspirations in forestry. This was reinforced by the newly appointed Interim Deputy Director General of Te Uru Rākau Sam Keenan who attended opening ceremonies with other senior officials.
He kapua mō Ngā Kōrero Rangatira 2023 (word cloud)
Māori leadership took part in a wānanga design process towards the creation of strategic actions to advance Māori aspirations over future decades at a national level. Ngā Pou a Tāne was endorsed to advance tactics and take a National Māori Forestry Strategy forward. Immediate actions include active leadership in the Forestry & Wood Processing Industry Transformation Plan, Native Afforestation programme, and Emissions Trading Scheme in partnership with the Crown; formation of a draft strategy document; and advancing a proof-of-concept for an enterprise resource planning tool embedding mātauranga Māori and tikanga into forestry management at a national scale. Ngā Pou a Tāne continues to be a collaborative voice for Ngāi Māori and to augment support for national Māori forestry aspirations.
Media contact Ramona Radford