11 Reasons Why We Must Kōrero

  1. The Tangata Whenua relationship with Forest is unique to the world.

  2. Tangata Whenua, Whanau, Hapū and Iwi have mana whakahaere over more than 700,000 ha of native forest, and 600,000 ha of exotic plantation timber forests but we have never worked together to enhance and grow our position and influence in forestry, wood supply and processing, and the enhancement of the hua/fruits and multiple functions of our forests.

  3. During this inaugural hui rangatira will gather to bring together a national scale kaupapa (strategic intent) for Māori forests.

  4. Over the last 182 years Māori forest lands have enabled others, how might we chart a future where forests on our lands are reindigenised to get better results for te taiao, tangata Māori, and future generations?

  5. In the forestry workforce – Māori make up 60% of harvesting crews (80% in the Central North Island). In most saw mills the numbers are as high as 90%.  However, in the higher income bracket of the forestry industry only 2% are Māori.

  6. Only Māori forestry ingenuity, creativity, skill, and leadership will improve Māori forests, lands, waterways, and economics.

  7. Both native and exotic forests are chief enablers in a zero-carbon future, and New Zealand is transitioning rapidly to zero carbon.

  8. Tangata Whenua prefer emissions reduction pathways which build onto their own mātauranga, customary relationships, kaitiakitanga practice, and resources – through innovating Māori value chains might we deliver grass roots-inspired highly meaningful forestry?

  9. Over 90% of Māori forests are either in New Zealand’s Kyoto Protocol account, or its nationally determined contribution to the Paris Climate Agreement, but we have not empowered this collective asset.

  10. In 2022 leaders in government and corporate forestry, wood processing and energy embarked on a journey to significant industry transformation. We as Tangata Whenua must ensure we are not swept along with changes led by others and position ourselves to lead, influence and make forestry and wood processing better for our people and te taiao.

  11. Ngā Pou a Tāne is establishing a delivery support system to help guide Māori landowners towards pivotal Maori forest value chain ownership, and financing for Maori forestry development.