Tū Mai Ra! Te Whānau o Tāne
National Māori Forestry Strategy 2040
E te iwi, let us know what you think.

Te Kaupapa
He whakatupu i te manawaroatanga mā te mahi ngahere
Growing Māori resilience through forestry

Our Pledge
Growing Māori resilience
through forestry
He whakatupu i te manawaroatanga mā te mahi ngahere

Ko Mātou
Mai i te rangi ki te whenua, mai i te whenua ki te rangi; ko Tāne Mahuta i waenganui hei tiaki ngā tangata katoa
Our Purpose
He whanake, he pupuri hoki i tētahi hanganga tautoko whakakaurahi mā ngā rōpū ā-rohe, e taea ai te whakamana i te iwi Māori i roto i te raupapa uara mahi ngahere.
To develop and maintain an augmented support structure through regional branches that enable and empower Māori both in and into the forestry value chain.
He mahitahi i te taha o te Karauna hei reo mārohirohi, reo whai wheako, reo whaihua, hei māngai hoki mā ngā hapori Māori me ngā kaitiaki whenua Māori, ki te whakawhanake kaupapa here hei kōkiri i ngā wawata o aua hapori me te kaupare i ngā pāpātanga panonitanga ture, waeture hoki o nanahi, o nāianei, o āpōpō hoki.
To partner the Crown with a constructive and powerful voice, representing Māori communities and landowners to develop policy that furthers Māori aspirations in the forestry value chain and obviate negative policy impacts both prospective and retrospectively.